My Diary

I've splitted my diary now to individual months - so - the default page will be the diary of the current month. Here are the links to the other entries so far:
February 2006 January 2006 December 2005
November 2005 October 2005 September 2005
August 2005 July 2005 June 2005
May 2005 April 2005 March 2005
February 2005 January 2005 December 2004

Yesterday - 4th of December - I had an idea. It was somewhen between the 2nd and 3rd wheatbeer in Walkers. The idea - brilliant or not - is about a diary. Containing stories of my daily life. Actually it is somehow what a blog is supposed to do - but I rather like the idea of putting the information on my regular website instead of using the external blog service that I've set up.

New Year's Eve

Private Party in Neuhofen an der Krems - pictures should follow tomorrow.

A Luitpold as evening starter For non-Luitpold drinkers Just relaxing
Raclett Jürgen is fascinated about "Bleigiessen" Was she cheating??
December 30th

A great great Thank You to Markus who invited me to a "Pre-Sylvester" Dinner yesterday. It was great - good food and excellent wine!

December 28th

Skiing in Hinterstoder with Tanja, Sandra, Didi, Roby and Samy
See those great jumps of Roby and Samy

Samy - jumping with his Snowboard The Lindner Sisters Roby - trying to do the same with his skiers
December 27th

Guess what?! Yes - Salsa! But this time my mum and sister joined me.

December 24th-26th 2004

Staying at home at my parents!! Here are some impressions!

Tree decoration - we had to be carful as the small children in our house should not take notice of this. The nice side of christmas - the fascination in children eyes At my sisters place - she and her two girls performing some christmas songs
My brother - his children and myself in the outside whirlpool!
December 23th 2004

WOW - although I thought I want to keep it a short night - it was one of those extremely long - dance intensive nights in Walkers. It was nice having so many friends there having so much fun in a time that is so hectic (advent). Well - Gerhard who stayed at my place and myself went home sometime in the morning. Having another bottle of wine with a girl that we picked up on our way home - it turned out that she is my neighbour. The drawback was that I was not able to join my parents today for breakfast. Although Gerhard got up at 8AM - I was not able to do so as well. I slept till 10:30 and therefore I have to finish this diary entry now as I have to get packed and drive to my parents. BYE

December 20th 2004

There is only one thing to say: SALSA - 8PM - Remembar!!!

December 19th 2004

After a long sleep I finished the 3rd part of the "Lord of the Ring" Extended DVD Edition - it was really cool seeing all those new scenes of the extended editions as some of those scenes are really essential to the story. So - for all of you that have only seen the movie in cinema and have not read the books - try to see the extended versions - some things might make more sense to you.
In the evening - Udo, Martin and myself - made some experiences with really sweet punsch that Martin brought with him. It was too much and so sweet that Udo was not able to come with us to Walkers after 2 liter's - as he didn't feel very good.
But despite that - thanks to Martin for the Punsch.

December 18th 2004

One thing I've learned today - never start snowboarding!! I've visited Clemens in hospital - with a broken upper arm from his snowboard activities of the last weekend.
The other thing that I've learned is - that it doesn't take too much alcohol for Alexandra convincing her to dance with me in Walkers on an empty Dancefloor.

December 17th 2004

Friday night: Udo and myself had to wait in my appartment for a call from a US Customer. Guess what we did to shorten the waiting time? Right - Luitpold. Check the pictures on the Beer Story page. After that we moved on to Walkers - meeting Martin aka Mole - playing some Dart games.
The night turned out to be very good - Claudia was there again - she helped me opening the dance floor for this night again.

December 13th-14th 2004

Damn - no Salsa for me on monday. I will be in Germany trying to show a customer the cool stuff that we are developing here in Linz.

December 10th-12th 2004

A weekend to relax. We (Didi, Sandra, Tanja and myself) are going to Wagrain - having a weekend in a Wellnesshotel. If I don't forget my camera you will proably see some pictures next week.

Our outside bar - just open the window and take what u want The rest room with water beds Thats WELLNESS - isn't it? Didi and I with a beer in the pool!
We changed our rooms to a dance floor We went out to our bar Just having fun!!
December 8th 2004

Forca Salzburg!!!
Whats going on with Andi? - you might ask yourself! Didi and I are going to Salzburg today watching the T-Mobile Bundesliga match Salzburg vs. Pasching. We are supporters of Salzburg since they had their great times back in the early 90s - we try to at least watch one match per season in Salzburg - and this is today!!!
So - lets hope and pray - they need the points!!!
Bye the way - the birthdayparty yesterday was great - meeting all the old friends again from Gallneukirchen. After 6 wheat beer - hours of dancing - and lots of fun - I finally went home at about 4:30 AM. So - I have to get ready now - bye!!

Didi and myself in front of the Salzburg Stadium

After a very boring first half - we had hope during the second one. Our team played very well - but due to a bad mistake we got the 0:1 and lost the match!!

December 7th 2004

Tonight will be party in the Hoppala. Its the birthday party of Andreas Enzenhofer - he is the brother of Didi. So I guess it will be a funny night - seeing all the old friend again.

December 6th 2004 - Nikolaus Day

Happy Nikolaus
Today is monday - and we all know what is going on on monday's. Its Salsa time in Remembar - starting at 8PM with a free dancing course followed by a Fiesta Latina!

December 5th 2004

Only a short note about today - I am invited for lunch (Irene) and dinner (Leo). The drawback is that I will probably miss the picture presentation from Klaus, Claudia, Klemens and Gabi. They show the pictures of their last vacation to China and Norway.

Lunch was great - Thanks to Irene!! My Advent Calendar - something sweet for every day in advent. Just received this - Tanja was also drinking beer with Didi!!
December 4th 2004

Several things happened yesterday. First - I visited my family in Galli - then I went back to Linz - doing some work. Starting my evening activities at about 6:30 when Jürgen und Barbara picked me up for christmas market on the top of Passage City Center. After some Glühmosts (kinda hot Cider) - I cant remember how much - we went to Walkers. I met Claudia again - dancing with her till my shirt was sweat through (I know that this was disgusting) Somewhen during all those activites - Didi sent me an MMS that showed him in a very nice situation - guess what - drinking wheat beer. See the picture on the right side. Finally - after hours of fun in Walkers - I started my way home. And those of you who know me can guess that I had to step by in Remembar where I stayed till the threw out all guests - that was at about 4:30. Good Night!!