I've splitted my diary now to individual months - so - the default page will be the diary of the current month. Here are the links to the other entries so far:
July 30th |
A business day in SF
Monday was not too exciting - from a diary-entry perspective. We had an early start because I had my first customer visit in a different part of town. So we took the trolley - went there - and had an early breakfast. Then we split ways - Alex went sight seeing+shopping - and I tried to earn the money that she was about to spend :-)
The business day went very well. At night we met with Kieran and his girl friend (well - wife actually - they just married). He is a colleague of mine and its been great to see him again. We went out for dinner. The only negative thing that happend yesterday was that I literally "hit a blind man" with the car. I dont want to explain that in further detail - but I am happy that nothing serious happened - thank god.
Thats it. Tuesday and wednesday will be very much alike today. Business meetings in the SF Bay Area. Cheers
July 29th |
A typical summer day in San Francisco
I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself. I always thought that a typical summer day in California is hot. Well - it seems that this does not apply to the San Francisco Bay area. Because of a strange phenomenon (you can probably look that up on the web) - a typical day in July is foggy and rather cold in the city of San Francisco.
As the weather in the city was not too good we took the car and drove to the pacific - south of the golden gate. We had breakfast near the Golden Gate Park. Unfortunately the weather was still bad - so we decided to drive north - over the GG Bridge along the Pacific. The further north we got the better the weather became. Finally we reached a place with a beautiful beach and nice weather conditions.
After a late lunch we made our way back to the city - the GG Bridge still covered in fog - but the City in bright sunlight. So we walked around Fisherman's Wharf - checking out the shops. In the end we decided to get some beers at the liquior store and enjoy the evening in the hotel room.
Tomorrow - Monday - Alex can still continue to check out the sights of SF while I have to do what I am supposed to do here - visit customers and hopefully make them happy :-)
Pancake and sausage for Alex |
Eggs, potatoes and sausage for me |
The pacific in San Francisco - bad weather at 10 AM |
The GG Bridge at around 11 AM |
The more north we got - the better the weather |
Alex with the car - she starts liking driving an automatic |
On Fisherman's Wharf - with Alcatraz in the back |
Alex in heaven: Chocolate Shop |
July 28th |
In Business Class to San Francisco
Oh how lucky Alex and I have been yesterday. We started our journey with a flight from Linz to Munich. In Munich we had to wait for almost 6 hours for the flight to SFO. I thought I give it a shot and ask if there might be an earlier connection. As yesterday was the start of holidays in Bavaria most of the flights were fully booked - actually overbooked - which in the end was very positive for us.
Before we mounted the airplan we had a final meal - of course "wheat beer" for me - and a tea for my schatzl (probably the most expensive tea I've ever seen - € 3,9 for 0,33 liter of hot water)
When they announced our flight I was a bit curious - our seats were shown on the display for those passengers who have been on standby. That ment that our seats have been assigned to somebody else because - ta ta - we have been "invited" by Lufthansa to fly Business Class :-)
So you can imagine that the 12 hour flight was really relaxing. We arrived here shortly before 7 PM local time. The imigration took pretty long - there was a plane from china arriving just before us and it seemed that those chinese people had a hard time explaining the immigration offers why they are here fore. Well - after 40 minutes in lane it was finally our turn. Unfortunatelly the offer decided that I needed
special "interogation" - so I had to go to another offer who asked me more detailed questions about my stay. In the end - everything was fine. We got our luggage - the rental car and then drove into town.
As you can see from the picture below - the weather here in SFO is not really the best. Fog in the bay area - pretty cold and windy. We decided to have a final drink before we go to bed - and thats it. Now its 5 AM - Alex still asleep - and I am trying to keep you up to date.
Today - Sunday - we plan the following: Golden Gate, Coit Tower, Pacific Ocean and some sight seeing in the city. Cheers
---- (update on the harry potter front) ----
I managed to read a lot on the plane. I am now at page 400. I have to say that the book is really exciting - and - harry is still alive - so are most of his other companion's.
In-Seat Video in the Business Class |
Ready for dinner |
Flying over Greenland |
Bad weather over SFO |
July 27th |
Time to Fly West!!
Tomorrow morning - Alex and I will take off to check out the big big world out there. I have to travel because of some business visits that I have to do in the San Francisco Bay Area and in Boston. The schedule is pretty packed but I hope to spend some time with Alex - showing her around.
I am also looking forward to get back to Boston - visiting some friends of mine that I havent seen for more than a year now. There will soon be pictures from our journey.
July 25th |
Salzburg vs. Arsenal
After several months of construction (or was it even a year) the "Bullen Arena" in Salzburg hosted the first soccer match. Salzburg played Arsenal London. The Stadion is really impressive (for austrian circumstances). The match however - although Salzburg won it 1:0 - was not too exciting. It was a friendly match and therefore the players did not really play their most enthusiastic game.
But - it was worth to watch it - be part of the Opening Game. Here are some impressions.
The new Stadion - almost empty two hours before the match started |
Our group from yesterday |
What a nice scene - the Alps in the background |
Prost |
July 21st |
Potter 7
Finally - after 7 years of "Witchcraft and Wizardry" - the Harry Potter tales find an end. I just received my copy of the "probably" last edition of Harry Potter - named "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows". I will let you know how I liked it when I am finished reading it.
Besides the "Harry Potter Fever" there are other things that make me sweat. Like the weather here in Austria. Its been the warmest period in history that has every been measured. The past days actually felt a bit caribbean. Hot and humid during the day - heavy rain and thunderstorms in the evening - hot and humid at night. Fortunatelly for the "Pflasterspektakel" in Linz that is currently going on - the rain didnt
chase away too many spectators. I've been there the past two nights and the streets of Linz have been packed with people enjoying the shows. Well - here are some pictures. Its noon on saturday and again its too hot to stay in the appartment. Cheers
Caribbean Feeling: Heavy rain in the evening |
The guys from the Kongo played their music |
A Fireshow performed by an austrialian couple |
Complete: the 7 Potter books |
July 17th |
A night at the Strasser's
Just a quick update on the happenings of this week. On tuesday evening we've been invited for dinner to the Strassers (Didi, Dorli, Lukas, Mathias). We enjoyed their pool as well as the great food. Below are some pictures.
The plan for the remaining week: Pflasterspektakel and a birthday party. Cheers
Didi and Lukas |
Alex and Mathias |
The boys showing us their knight equipment |
The boys (young and old) in the pool |
July 14th |
Volleyball Tournament in Alberndorf
The original plan for today was to play a soccer tournament. But because of a big volleyball tournament close by the organizers decided to skip it. Fortunatelly Didi had some connections and therefore we made it to a registered team. Well - in the end - we didnt play too well - but it was fun. We won our first match but lost all remaining 4.
Tonight I am going to check out the kick-off party of the U-19 European Soccer Championship. The party is here in Linz and after that there will be a public viewing area on the Hauptplatz where they show the U20 Soccer World Cup Quarter Final Match of Austria vs. USA.
Our Team |
Volleyball action 1 |
Didi as referee |
Volleyball action 2 |
July 13th |
From Potter to Boston
Thats the bandwidth of today's diary entry. I assume that most of you have heard that the 5th Harry Potter movie just started in the cinemas this week. Why do I mention that? Because I am a Potter-Fan. Unfortunately I havent seen the new movie yet. But - in order to get into the moode for the 5th movie - Alex and I had a Potter session this week - watched the movies 2 and 3. Number 4 is still on our list before we check out the 5th.
The topic "Boston" however is much more exciting. I will be on a business trip from July 28th to August 6th - bringing me and Alex (she joins me) to San Francisco and Boston. So I can finally show her the places where I spent most of 2005. The next cool thing is that Stephan booked his flights to Austria. He will visit us from August 12th - August 20th. Stephan - if you read this - be prepared - the fridge will be stocked with wheat beer and I've planned a great trip program for you.
Thats it. Its friday night. Tomorrow we are going to play a volleyball tournament. Didi and I will try to do our best. As sunday is forecasted to become a very hot day we plan to drive to Attersee again - getting some cooling in the lake.
Finally - here are some pictures form this weeks "release party" that we had in our office. bye
People waiting in line for the food |
Wolfram (aka Hubbo) playin the chef |
Udo (aka Prinzregent) showing his beard |
Me (aka Andi) showing his beer |
July 8th |
A day on the lake!!
Its been a great sunday although we had different activities than originally planned. We skiped the mountains and decided to spend the day at the Feldkirchner Lakes near Linz. I - for my part - decided to do the same bike tour as last week - GIS - Eidenberg - Gramastaetten - Rottenegg - Feldkirchen. Alex decided to go by car - so did Doris, Robert, their kids and Mario (aka March).
Doris reminded me that I very often put up pictures of me drinking beer on the website. Well - thats correct. But this time - I put up a picture of her drinking beer :-). The pub on the lake actually had Prinzregent Luitpold. That made me so happy that I actually had two glasses - which I regreted on the way home with the bike :-)
At night - Alex and I checked out the movie Irina Palm. A movie that I can recommend - but - for those of you who have already seen the preview be prepared: it is funny because of the main actors profession - however - there is much more to that movie than just the funny aspects of it.
Saturday: Joachim and myself fixing a closet in her appartment |
Familie Fuerst, Mario and my Schatzl |
Both guys enjoying their ice cream |
Doris and Robert enjoying the Luitpold |
July 6th |
Beer and Bread!!
It would have been a great festival - and I am sure it will be today. But unfortunately the weather was not really inviting on friday night. It rained a lot. But - 4 brave men (Martin aka Resl, Martin aka Mole, Juergen and myself) went there and enjoyed the great variety of beer that was offered.
There also was this great "game" that we participated. You could pick up a "Bierpass" with a list of all offered beers. For each you tried you get a stamp and the more stamps you have to more likely it is to win in a lottery. If I look at the pass right now I see that we tried the following beers:
* Schneider Weisse
* Ybbstalbraeu Zwicklbier
* Maisel's Weisse
* Budweiser Budvar (the real one - not the US version of it)
* Rieder Kellerbier
* Kapsreiter
* Hofstettners Honigbier
* Hofbraeuhaus Traunstein
* Zipfer Lemon
So - quite an impressive list :-). If you have the chance to visit the festival today - go there and enjoy it.
Maisel's Weisse |
The Honey Beer - tasted very interesting |
A mobile beer keg |
Zipfer Lemon and Kebab - two "low level" products compared with all the rest that was offered :-) |
July 5th |
Just an update!!!
Well - this is just another update because I was a bit lazy in the past days to update the page. There are two things that make me happy right now. The first thing is a book - the other is a planned business trip to the US. The book is called "Maenner auf der Suche" from Steve Biddulph and its changing my way of thinking about certain topics in life. The US trip is planned for the last week of July. Right now it looks like I will have stops in San Francisco, New York and Boston.
The weekend is nearly here and of course there will be plenty of activity: "Beer and Bread" Festival in Linz on friday, a birthday party on saturday evening, baby sitting for my brother's kids on saturday night and - if the weather allows - a trip to the alps. Thats basically it. Cheers
July 1st |
Mario is back in Austria!!
Mario (aka March) spent the last 6 months in Dublin, Ireland. Yesterday he came back and we gave him a warm welcome. Of course we had a plan to make his return memorable. Klemens and Gabi prepared a "Who wants to be a Millionaire" quiz with questions about Austria. Luckily - with some help from our side - he managed all 15 questions and was allowed to be an austrian again :-)
Today in the morning - Martin (aka Resl) and myself - started a nice bike tour. Our final destination were the lakes in Feldkirchen. Our plan was to ride up the GIS and from there down towards Feldkirchen. As Martin didnt have too much excercise lately he gave up pretty quickly - telling me that he returns home to take the motorbike to the lake. So - I rode up to the GIS and then down to Gramastetten when suddenly Martin called. He changed his mind and didnt return home :-)
After 58 kms - with some detours - we arrived at the lakes. Now - after another 20kms back home I am just about to drive to the cinema. Here are some pictures. Cheers
March at the quiz show |
A good "Brettljause" - something that March didnt have for a long time |
Resl on his way up to Gramastetten |
Finally - at the lake |